Effortless Technique, Instant Results.

Go Beyond the Technique

  • Daily Workout

    Choose from hundreds of free, 2-minute exercises that target a specific violin technique. Create your own warm-up routine!

    Finger independence, Extensions, Shifting, Left-Hand Pizz and many more.

  • Audition Preparation

    Get below the surface of each passage to let your technique flow.

    Find smoothness under pressure through exercises over Don Juan, Mozart 39, Mendelssohn Scherzo, and many more violin excerpts!

  • Videos

    Hear our take on the Technical, Mental, and Philosophical aspects of violin playing. This is the distilled knowledge of hundreds of years of stage experience.

    These videos deal with subjects ranging from precise shifting to stage fright.


A modern take on traditional teachings, ZenViolin is a fantastically simple and practical way to violin mastery. Our approach to technique is informed by martial arts, meditation, strength training, and endurance sports.